
USHA runs on volunteers!

We need your help to make it all work. Even if you only have a few hours every year, we have a job for you. Please read through all the opportunities and see what matches your interest, abilities and time. Contact our volunteer coordinator for more information. We look forward to working with you!


Volunteer Opportunities:

Come make connections on the Public Relations Committee. Help maintain our website, contribute content, and get information to members

Join the Legislative Committee. Interested in the Big Issues? Do you want to make sure your profession’s voice is heard?

Membership and Recruitment Committee. Help find great people with whom we can connect. Find the next generation of professionals.

Join us on the Marketing Committee. Help promote the conference. Plan for our Vendor Hall. Meet people from all over the country.

Join the Professional Development Committee and help put conferences together! Invite speakers. Help others implement best practices in their careers. 

A previous chair said, “The Professional Development Chair allowed me the opportunity to work closer with the universities and students closely for the conferences.”

The CEU Coordinator states, “What I’ve enjoyed most about being on USHA and the position I have held is how fulfilling it is to know that I am directly helping people not only gain the newest education possible, but also maintain their licensure that we all worked so hard to obtain.”

Celebrate your fellow professionals and contributors on the Nominations Committee!